Why Mark Emlick invested in St Margaret's Preschool and Nursery?

"Why I’ve invested in St Margaret’s nursery…?"

The building in which we now house the St Margaret’s Nursery wasn’t always part of the main St Margaret’s school.  It was bought by the School in the mid 1980’s when it was then Suffolk Hall Hotel. And subsequently used as a Nursery facility by the school.

Mark Emlick has a long standing family connection with the original St Margaret’s School, having schooled two of his children there, both Samantha and Nicola very much enjoyed their time at St Margaret’s.  It therefore came as a great shock to the family and many people in the community when in 2010 the School announced its sudden foreclosure.

When the opportunity arose for Mark to invest in the Nursery building, it was with more than just an investors eye on a new project.  It was an opportunity to invest in the future of a school, so loved by his daughters, so cherished by the local community, with a well established educational tradition.

As Chairman of Consensus Capital Group, Mark Emlick was able to offer the Nursery just what it needed at a time when the business world was challenging and futures so unsure across all industries.

The future looks brighter now for St Margarets Nursery & Preschool as we strive to continue the tradition of educational excellence set high by St Margaret’s.

St Margarets Nursery and Preschool have just launched a brand new website.